The Sunday after this post, B and I left for church early in anticipation of meeting my students at the MRT station nearby. There we met two of my students, Stacey included, and discovered that the other two would be arriving late, so we went ahead.
It was a Christmas service and a guest preacher speaking, but at the end of the day both Stacey and the other girl expressed that they were very happy to have come. The other two came at the tail end and stayed for lunch. I was thrilled that they came at all. The next Saturday we met up for lunch and I invited Stacey to come back to church. She wanted to come but was held up at work the following Sunday. It's been so exciting to befriend these students and see what God might do in their lives through our interactions. I especially hope that Stacey will begin to come regularly and have a chance to talk with the pastor who has dealt with cases like hers (dealing with undesired supernatural spirit encounters).
After my friends left church that Sunday, Pastor Terry talked with us about the spiritual battleground and the vigilance and dedication required to bring souls out of the bondage of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light. "Welcome aboard," he said.
And it felt like a small but significant initiation had taken place.