Thursday, September 29, 2011

Baby, baby, baby

Okay, after all the talk about disgusting things (with the lovely interlude about the wok), I really wanted to share this burst of cuteness with you:

This is one of the babies from HisHands, a ministry that I have been volunteering at and is located right down the street from me. (Btw, we are not at HisHands in this picture.) This adorable little girl is about go home to her family in America VERY soon, and I know her active, bright, curious, exuberant self will be sorely missed here. But we are so very happy she gets to go home soon!

This is "Samwise." Usually his hair is a riot and sticking straight up from his head, and I think he looks very much like a cabbage patch kid. He is a very easy-going baby and is easily contented, as long as he doesn't have to exercise. We are working on getting his muscles more fully developed :)

Here is another picture (which I didn't take) of another baby in the nursery--nicknamed "Jellybean." Her story (or as much as I know of it) was a troubled one from the beginning--born to a druggie mother and just in a bad situation--but it has been so neat to see this little tyke grow from 2 weeks old (pictured below) to just a little over one month. Whenever I see her I marvel on how big she's getting. She's oh so cute! :)

photo credit--from my friend Ashleigh's blog

I get so much joy from these precious babies, and so thankful to be a tiny, tiny part of this ministry!