Thursday, January 5, 2012

I am here

Yesterday I went out power-walking with my housemates, something they started to do during the break while I was gone. On the top and bottom of the hill we would to regroup, the faster ones jogging in place while the slower ones had time to catch up. On one of these occasions, the last roommate reached us and announced, "I'm here!" to signal the commencing of our walk.

Those two little words brought me to a flashback where not too long ago, I heard my love saying it to me as we snuggled under blankets in the cold humidity of a sub-tropic winter. The reality of the words sunk deep into my soul then and watered my heart that had been dry from our long separation, bringing tears to my eyes. The overflowing satisfaction of having the one you love (and who loves you) near after being apart can only be understood by those who have experienced it. It goes beyond words.

This morning I was thinking about these things in the coldness of the grey winter (yes, Taiwan has winter, too), and I couldn't help but think that our Lord, too, speaks those words to us, every day, whether or not we hear them. I wrote these few lines some months ago, only to forget about them until now. But yes, I remember. His presence is with me, every moment. He is here for me to lean on, confide in, snuggle into. All the time. He is here.

I am in the cool night breezes
I am in the golden sunlight breaking through the clouds after rain
I am in the orange flame of the setting sun over the horizon
I am in the fresh air
I am in the soft petals of the colorful flowers by the road
I am in the waving trees in the wind

I am in the smile of an infant
I am in the laughter of friends
I am in the outstretched hand of a stranger
I am in the hellos of the friendly street vendor

I am in the prayers of your sisters
I am in the words I speak to you each morning
I am in the whispers of your heart in the darkest of the night
I am here. And I am with you.

<3 I love You, Jesus.

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