Friday, April 13, 2012

Pineapple Fields

I came back from Taipei this week and discovered something delightful had happened as I was away.

The pineapples are growing!

Here is a whole field of them, right across from our school.

They are just so cute.
They must have taken away the black coverings last week, because I believe it takes a long time for pineapples to grow--they don't pop up over night. I was told once as a child that pineapple plants take 7 years to produce fruit. I just looked it up and while I don't think it should take THAT long (I was lied to!), it does take a few years for a plant (or the crown of a pineapple) to produce fruit, and half a year for the pineapples to ripen.

That's a long time.

Makes me wonder how little I appreciate the process of things when I'm so used to getting what I want NOW...or immediate results. But contrary to what the commercial world will tell you, fast and easy is not always the best way.

Sometimes I feel like a pineapple plant.

So funny story about taking these pictures...

I had just finished working out with my workout buddy, and decided to wheel Little Red (my scooter) back toward school to snap a few pics. I hear a familiar voice talking on the phone and I turn around and see my principal across the street, walking home from school. I quickly turn around and mind my own business, hoping he won't recognize me. But he does and calls out my name. "Are you okay? You didn't crash or anything, did you?"
I turned around and tried to hide my awkwardness of how funny I must have looked--bright blue helmet, oversized sunglasses, windbreaker and exercise shorts, with camera in hand--as I quickly assured him I was fine.
As he passed by he said something that my brain processed as "Aren't they so CUTE?" And I said "Yes I know!" And turned around again to take the pictures of the cute pineapples.

Even though it doesn't seem like something he would say.... I hope that is what he said.

 I pass by this fishing pond every day. Today it looked especially tranquil.

And in the distance, a pagoda and some billowing clouds. I assure you, it looked much cooler in real life. :)

It's definitely summer weather here. I sweated so much today.

Happy weekend to you all! May your pineapples be Timely in fruition, no matter how long they may take. :)

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