Monday, May 28, 2012

so the story goes

Almost 2 years ago, when B and I were still in the beginnings of our relationship, we began praying. Not just praying, but fasting and praying, specifically for Taiwan. Knowing the desires in our hearts to return one day to the island, for whatever reason, we prayed that whatever God willed, He would make  happen.

When we received the news last year that I got the job here, we were ecstatic. B was happy that I could experience life in Taiwan in the same amount of time that he did, and I was so exhilarated that my dreams of teaching overseas were coming true in a land that I loved.

But it doesn't stop there.

A long time ago, B and I were hypothesizing the future. I remember getting a text from him once while we were in LDR as I finished school -- "What if I went to med school in Taiwan?" it said.

"Then I would go with you and teach there." was my quick reply.

This year, B applied to KMU. They were one of the only (if not the only) med schools in Taiwan that has a post-bac program and accepts international students. For "some reason," it is in the same city as the school I teach. But we weren't even sure if he would get in; it was kind of a shot in the dark. We found out later that KMU has an acceptance rate of 4.3% -- we just didn't know how likely it would be for him to get accepted. We just kept waiting and praying. One by one other prospects dropped like flies. All except this.

20 months later from when we first began to pray, He has answered. Yes.

We are coming back. !!

It hasn't been an easy road. It was months piled upon months of living in limbo and the nebulousness of not knowing what the next step was going to be. Facing hard questions and heavy options, less-than-ideal backup plans, discouragement, and the constant lack of answers gave us a few grey hairs and sleepless nights. But in the end we learned that God's "Trust Me" always rings true, and no matter what, He will take care of us.

So it turns out that I don't have to be sad about leaving Taiwan. The adventure continues. Yes, there will be risks, but to us, they are like having front-row seats to watching God working mightily for His children. Jehovah Jireh. There is anticipation, excitement, and even suspense. What more could we ask for? He hears our prayers, and shows Himself faithful.
Bring it on.


  1. Hey Shiowei!! It's been a long time, but I wanted to say hello and congratulations! What exciting news - I hope you and B are ever enjoying Jesus' sweet presence as you guys move into the future!

    1. Hi Irene!! I'm so glad you said hello! Thank you!! Come visit us if you ever come to Taiwan! =)
